Privacy statement Joost-IT

Privacy Statement Joost-IT Flexxer B.V. trading as Joost-IT Tooling and Service Management (hereinafter referred to as "Joost-IT") Last Modified: March 20, 2023

Joost-IT, located in Zoetermeer, resolves IT issues and IT organizational problems by simplifying processes or organizations and connecting people.

Personal Data

Joost-IT handles your data confidentially. Your personal data is treated and secured with utmost care. Your personal data is only shared with third parties when necessary based on a contractual agreement, for service delivery, with your consent, or due to a legal obligation.

Joost-IT obtains personal data when you provide it to Joost-IT, for example, through the website, email, or phone. Additionally, Joost-IT may obtain your personal data through third parties in the context of service delivery.

From our clients and (prospective) employees, we request at least the following information: Name, address, email address, telephone number, IBAN.

Legal Basis

Joost-IT processes your personal data to fulfill a contract concluded with you, comply with a legal obligation, or based on a legitimate interest of Joost-IT. If personal data is processed based on consent, explicit consent will be requested.


Joost-IT processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Execution of an assignment/fulfillment of a contract
  • Establishing and maintaining contact with clients
  • Providing good and efficient services
  • Managing the customer database
  • Invoicing
  • Marketing
  • Compliance with legal obligations

Disclosure to Third Parties

For the aforementioned purposes, Joost-IT may use services provided by third parties. In this context, personal data may be disclosed to third parties only when necessary for executing the assignment. These third parties may only process your personal data based on the aforementioned purposes and solely within the scope of the assignment provided to them by us. A data processing agreement is always concluded with third parties who process personal data.

Your personal data may also be disclosed to third parties when Joost-IT needs to fulfill a legal obligation. Joost-IT will not disclose your data to third parties for commercial purposes.

Retention of Personal Data

Joost-IT will not process your personal data for longer than necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned in this privacy statement. This means that your personal data will be retained for as long as necessary to achieve the respective purposes. In compliance with legal retention obligations, Joost-IT retains your personal data for seven years (fiscal retention obligation).

If you send a job application to Joost-IT, your data will be retained for four weeks if no interview/employment follows. Upon your request or with your consent, Joost-IT may retain your data for one year for potential future vacancies/other positions. Explicit consent is required for this purpose.

When you fill out the contact form on the website, we receive your personal data to answer your question. If you do not become a client, we will delete this personal data within six months after responding to your question.

Security of Personal Data

Joost-IT attaches importance to the security of your personal data against loss or unauthorized access. Therefore, Joost-IT has implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures.

Your Rights

You have the right to request access to your personal data from Joost-IT. Upon receipt of your request, you will receive an overview of your personal data within four weeks. If any inaccuracies are found, you can request the correction, supplementation, deletion, or restriction of your data.

For questions about this privacy statement or a request for access, correction, supplementation, deletion, or restriction of your personal data, please contact:

Stephen Ley +31 85 0498810

To prevent misuse of the aforementioned rights, we ask you to provide identification when submitting your request. Please include a valid identification document with your request. Remember to make your social security number (BSN) and your passport photo unreadable/unrecognizable. You can use the 'KopieID' app, for example, to do this.

If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data by Joost-IT, please let us know. If we cannot resolve the issue together, you have the right to file a complaint with the privacy supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

Social media

The social media buttons on the website are included to enable sharing of pages through the social media networks Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you click on these buttons, your personal data will be processed by the respective social media network. Please read the privacy statements of Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to understand how these networks handle your personal data.

General contact information

Joost-IT Contact person: Stephen Ley

Zilverstraat 69 2718 RP Zoetermeer

Phone: +31 (0)85 0498810 Email:

Joost-IT reserves the right to modify this privacy statement. New versions will always be published on the website. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly consult this statement to stay informed about any changes.

© 2023 - 2024 Joost-IT | Layout & design Matthja Grafisch Ontwerp & De Goudse Wolf

© 2023 - 2024 Joost-IT
Layout & design Matthja Grafisch Ontwerp
& De Goudse Wolf